Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Animals Don't Dump People

I was recently walking through a parking garage when I spotted a bumper sticker that said, "Animals Don't Dump People." I immediately wanted to add, "People dump people." It seemed pretty clear to me that at some point in the past, the person who's car I was looking at was dumped by a significant other and it was probably a very bad break up. This person loved another person and was hurt when that love wasn't returned.

Love is risky. It's tough to put yourself out there to another person, to risk loving hoping that the other person will love you back. We risk by opening ourselves up to another, hoping that they will say they love us despite our flaws. Or really, that they love all of us, even the ugly parts. Love is risky - but ultimately a very worthwhile risk.

So what happens when we've been hurt? What happens when we've loved and somebody broke our hearts? Are we gun shy? Not willing to love anymore - not willing to be in a relationship? Bitter because of what has happened to us and look to those we perceive not to be able to leave a relationship (i.e. an animal)?

Even beyond a romantic relationship, what happens when we put ourselves out there at a church and we've been hurt? What happens when we venture into a relationship with God, but then another person tells us we're going about it the wrong way or there's conflict at our church? What happens when we are hurt by the very thing that is to embody Christ's love here on earth - the church? Do we walk away? Do we not worship with others because we find the institution to be full of hypocrisy? Instead of turning to a relationship with God, do we turn to relationships in our lives with things we perceive can't hurt us (i.e. money, television, houses, cars, etc...)?

But in the end, are any of those other relationships that we turn to nearly as fulfilling as a relationship with another person or with God? Can our dog tell us how beautiful we look today even though we're all sweaty from working in the yard? Can our cat plan a surprise birthday party for two complete with dinner? Can our money love us back, telling us all the ways it enjoys our company? Or how about our car, can it cozy up with us on the couch and laugh at a comedy?

Or how about any of it being able to love us like God loves us - no matter what happens? Being able to transform our lives because of unfailing love that lifts us up out of the muck? Or is it able to fill us up when we are empty or empowering us and giving us the gifts we need to serve?

Can any of it compare? Compare to what God is already doing in our lives?

Who would have thought that all of this would have come from a single bumper sticker? =)

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